Insight EMEA awarded 16 Microsoft Gold Competencies including Security accreditation

Insight Enterprises, the global integrator of Insight Intelligent Technology Solutions™, has secured 16 Microsoft Gold Competencies, among them a Security accreditation.

These Gold competencies, awarded to Insight EMEA, demonstrate Insight’s technical capabilities to deliver Microsoft solutions, delivering Hardware, Software and Services to meet the needs of their clients, as well as showcasing their expertise to prospective clients. These certifications further build upon Insight and Microsoft’s longstanding partnership.

The 16 Microsoft Gold Competencies are:

  • Application Development
  • Cloud Platform
  • Cloud Productivity
  • Collaboration and Content
  • Communications
  • Data Analytics
  • Data Platform
  • Datacentre
  • DevOps
  • Enterprise Mobility Management
  • Enterprise Resource Planning
  • Messaging
  • Security
  • Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions
  • Windows and Devices
  • Cloud Customer Relationship Management

With these 16 Microsoft Gold competencies Insight has the capabilities to deliver Hardware: Surface Reseller and Surface Hub Reseller, providing Software: Licensing Solutions Provider, Cloud Solutions Provider for Direct and Indirect, and a Service Provider Licensing Agreement (SPLA) Reseller. Insight also delivers Services through its Consultancy, Delivery and Managed Services Organisation and is awarded for Advanced Specialisation for Adoption & Change Management, a Software Asset Management Partner and recognised as an Azure Expert MSP.

These accolades cement Insight’s partnership with Microsoft and clients can benefit from Insight’s expertise across these areas as a Super Solution Integrator, with reduced effort of managing IT projects.

Among the Gold competencies is the Security accreditation, which further strengthens Insight’s performance in the deployment of a number of respective Solutions including Intune, AADP, Azure. Highly regarded within the industry as a sought-after accreditation, Insight developed an internal skills initiative to ensure teammates secured these competencies.

Manuel Escriva, Director Microsoft Alliance, Insight says: “Sixteen Gold Competencies is testament to our expertise in this area. As we continue to work and maintain our reputation as a global Microsoft partner, we underline our commitment to our clients to provide secure and manageable solutions.”

These certifications are renewed annually.